Truly, every person you meet would really teach you something about life.
I found myself observing such things that helped me realize some attributes of a life of 18-33 year old person.
Part of this observation is from knowing 2 new people in my journey.

So I’ve met, Shem & Sofia. They are friends, about same age, batch mates as per what I know.
Their only difference is that: Shem is single & Sofia is already a home maker.

I noticed that Shem has a very strong personality to the extent that she would never expect for someone to come to her life and never see herself being committed in a relationship. But she told me about the love of her life that sadly didn’t work out for them to be one. Currently she’s in a not favorable situation for her status in life. She holds tightly to what she really believes in. She had an amazing adventure exploring and that courage to find what will help her for her living. She’s been to different companies and could estimate where to work the best in accordance from her experiences. She loves to analyze such things and give meaning to them. She’s amazing in her own mysterious way. However, what I don’t want to happen to myself is to reach my thirty’s and got nothing out of the years I worked because of just pulling the trigger without controlling when I suppose to do it. I am not to boast, but her as my elder she must have the pride and practical ways on how to save herself when times get tougher. She subconsciously sent me this message about a situation that I don’t want to apply to myself.

Since Shem has no any obligation in life because she’s single and it’s actually her choice, it’s absolutely fine for her not to be bloody serious on dedicating herself to her job. Despite that, I really like how we are connected and jive with regards to our interests in books, movies and food.

Sofia works so hard that one of the bosses won’t miss how dedicated she is on her job. She’s very punctual, creative, responsible and loyal.  I had a little chitchat with her, even though I have this feeling that she’s quite aloof of my company . Anyhow, we’ve got no problem and she still entertained my words and questions.  “If you were given a chance to be single again…?” I asked her, at first she answered it delivering a fact and content of her thought about her kids. Then I followed up some more question “What’s the toughest challenge so far in raising a family?” She gave me that usual answer that according to her it’s the budget, especially when there’s really no bread to divide into parts. I asked her again the question I asked her at first. She said, “I guess I’ll choose to be single again and experience the things that I’d still wanna do for myself in my life.” I thought of the same feeling and luckily it is where I am at the moment. In fact, It’ll be fine if I’ll be single my whole life. Because of all the worries, fears and negative feelings in raising, building and supporting your own family that being single never gives you . I have these thoughts like, I don’t want my kids to experience the miseries of life.

There are just unexpected learning that would approach directly your way, If you would come to think of it. It’s beyond difficult to build your own family. You will absolutely forget your own interests and dreams, not if one of your dreams is to have your own family. So a lot of people choose and preferred to enter this stage of life whenever they are fully equipped. But for those that having a family as an accident or any kind of sudden reason, they would exert double to triple of their effort which subconsciously help them to grow in a superb level. This topic triggers this thought in my mind about creating new generation of family whom to pass the next generation of system and a lot more. That either choice or compulsory way of having a family is not only just the standard rules of life. That in this age you are supposed to be doing what you call your developmental task. But it’s a guide, to achieve the fullest you, on how you would face every toughest situation which can be found in raising and nurturing your own unit of community and conquering everything under the sun.

To sum it all up, having your own family is a huge step forward. It really gives you this scary impression that you’d rather choose to be single because you thought it’s cooler, that you are free to do whatever you like without thinking of others but yourself. But the truth is.. You’re stuck! You’re stuck into a stage of life where in it’s the craziest. Because you just wonder, you just always ask. But when you already have the family, you already have the idea of what to priority or what to prepare for breakfast. You already know that it’s scary that is why you are always prepared. That is how you measure how positive you are still in life, you give worth to your existence, more meaning to your life and you give importance to it that you know you’re reaching the full you, your maximum you.

Yours Truly.